RThere’s a lot of pressure on parents today to give their kids the perfect life, but it’s unrealistic. You can’t control everything that happens in your children’s lives, nor should you try to. As much as I’d like to tell you that our family is perfect and there are no problems at all, we have our share of struggles. But here’s what I know: We’re doing the best we can with what we’ve got—and its working!
Don’t do everything.
This is a hard one for parents to accept. We want our kids to do everything, and we feel like we have to do it all ourselves. But that isn’t true! Just because you love your kids doesn’t mean that they need your help with everything in life. In fact, letting them get involved with something—and learning how not to do it—will teach them more than anything else could ever hope to teach them about themselves: how their strengths can be used effectively; how their weaknesses could be overcome; what makes them unique as individuals. As long as there’s no danger of harm coming from failure (like falling off a bike), let them try things on their own!
Spend more time with your kids.
It’s important to spend more time with your kids. It’s also easy to get busy and forget about them, but it is crucial that you are present in their lives and the things they care about. Make sure to engage them in activities that interest them, whether it is sports or video games or a hobby like cooking or arts-and-crafts projects.
There are many ways you can spend more time with your child:
- Cook together often (or at least once a week)
- Play outside together on weekends or evenings during the week (weather permitting)
Put in the work up front.
You can’t expect to do the minimum and get the maximum. If you want to be successful, you must put in the work up front. This applies to everything in life, not just parenting. For example, if I’m trying to learn French and my goal is fluency in 2 weeks (which would be incredibly impressive), I will certainly have more success if I spent 3 days relearning all of my vocabulary with an instructor than if I just started learning right away on day 1. It’s also worth noting that this principle applies not only when it comes time for things like school or work but also when dealing with personal relationships – especially when those relationships involve children!
The bottom line is this: The more effort we put into our goals (and thus our lives), the better things will turn out for us down the road …
Be present in their lives and the things they care about.
You are a parent. You are responsible for raising your child, which means you have a lot of power in their life. However, as with all power there comes responsibility:
- Don’t be a helicopter parent—be present in their lives and the things they care about.
- Don’t do everything for them or try to control everything that happens to them (even if it’s something you think would make them happy). Instead of making decisions for them or telling them what they need to do or not do, let them figure out these things on their own by learning through experience and trial-and-error so that they can learn how to make good choices themselves later down the road when they grow up into adults who want independence but still need guidance at times too!
Engage, don’t just entertain.
- Engage with your kids and make them feel valued. It’s important to engage in the things they like, but not just to get through the day.
- Don’t just sit there and watch TV or play video games all day long; get out of the house! Your child needs to see that you are a part of their world, not just another spectator.
- Show interest in what your child is interested in by getting involved as much as possible—don’t just be a spectator!
Show them how to be successful.
If they see you living an exemplary life, they will want to follow in your footsteps and try their best at everything they do.
As a parent, it’s important that you help them understand what success means. Showing them how hard work pays off can be just as effective as telling them about it—especially if that’s what works best for your child! Teach them how to set goals and make plans on how to get there; give them tools like calendars or trackers so that they have a better idea of where their time goes each day; explain why it’s important not only for themselves but also other people since we’re all interconnected by our actions (or lack thereof). If possible teach those lessons through real-world experiences: tell stories from when things weren’t going great but then turned out fine later on down the road because we kept pushing forward despite our doubts; share stories about personal struggles like failing classes while still finding ways around those obstacles by doing extra research online etcetera–these kinds of insights can really resonate with kids who might feel overwhelmed by schoolwork right now because they haven’t learned yet how much effort goes into getting good grades in order before taking certain classes
Also Read: When You Realize Yourself as a Parent
Let your kids fail sometimes. It’s good for them.
Letting your kids fail sometimes is a good thing. It teaches them resilience, it helps them learn from their mistakes and develop self-confidence. When your child fails at something, don’t be quick to give up on them or make excuses for why they failed. Instead of pointing out how hard it was for you to watch her try over and over again without success, think about what she’s learning by failing—and let her try again!
Here are some things I’ve learned from letting my children fail:
Help them see the possibilities.
If you want your child to be successful, don’t just tell them that it’s possible. Show them the possibilities and let them know that they can do anything they want. Take your child to places where other people are doing things, or explain how the world works so they understand what success looks like for other people. You might even take on a project together—maybe starting with a small one like painting a wall in their room!
It’s important not only for children but also adults too because our perception of what we’re capable of changes as we get older (and unfortunately our self-worth goes with us). If successful parents had stuck with their original plan rather than changing it based on feedback from others (including themselves), they would probably still be able to hold down paying jobs today instead of having retired early due to financial stressors caused by trying unsuccessfully at something else–like selling real estate!
Learn from your own mistakes.
The best way to learn from your mistakes is to own them. It’s important for parents to accept that they are not perfect and that they cannot control everything, so it’s okay if you make a mistake or try something new because there will always be other ways of doing things better than what you used before. You can also help your child learn from their own mistakes by telling them why they made the mistake and how it could have been avoided.
You don’t have to do it all.
This might sound like a common sense mantra, but it’s one that can be easily forgotten. When you’re parenting with a full-time job and kids in school, there are many things that fall by the wayside—lunch dates with friends and family, summer vacations when everyone is together as a family unit (and not just for one week), even simple things like spending time together as a group at home on weekends or during school breaks. These are all examples of opportunities for parents not being used up because of the demands of their careers or schedules.
Instead of seeing these missed moments as losses for your children (or yourself), look at them instead as an opportunity for growth: Your kids need more quality time with you than they’re getting right now; spend less time working and more time being present in their lives!
It’s not easy to balance work, family and everything else that life throws at you. But it can be done—and if you keep these tips in mind, your family will be much more successful than they would have been otherwise!